
Participation in the SCRIP program is mandatory.  Each family is expected to raise $200 in profit.  The profit that exceeds this $200 requirement from your SCRIP purchases (made between April 1-March 31), less a 10% service fee, will accumulate and can be applied to your family’s tuition account three times a year (August, December & April). SCRIP vouchers are non-refundable/non-transferable.

Go online to and order your scrip for everyday purchases and gifts. Ordering scrip does require a PrestoPay account.  You can find complete information to help you set up an account on the ShopWithScrip website so you can begin to order scrip and start earning credit right away!

The ScripNow! Feature allows you to purchase and print out a certificate immediately for many popular stores and restaurants.

If you have questions regarding the scrip program or tuition credits, please contact Denise Wold at

Family Service

Every Family is required:
• 40 Service Hours (or pay $1000.00 in lieu of hours worked)



• Each child is required to raise $100 in sponsorships.  A $100 buy-out option is available.

 Paper Truck

Proceeds from your paper recyclables funds not only supplies school activities and supplies but also scholarships for our 8th graders moving on to parochial high schools and the Faith In Action scholarships awarded to incoming 6th, 7th and 8th graders.

 Box Tops for Education

Save your box tops and send in to the school office.  Our school receives $.10 for each label turned in.

 St. Louise Booster Club – After-school athletic program